Social media insights are critical to discovering and understanding positive and negative views of your brand, your products and services in relationship to the marketplace.
Unlike other customer feedback mechanisms, it is unsolicited opinions of from your prospective, new and existing customers and lost business.
To begin, we set-up a session to capture your known knowns - what your business considers to be the sentiment of your brand, products and services. We discuss and shifts or areas of concern. We then discuss the environmental landscape - who are your key partners and competitors, promoters and detractors. Then, we discuss unknown knowns, what is it you are concerned that you don't know, from a risk perspective, that may place your business, products and services at risk.
Why do we do this? Simply to ensure we establish the right Customer Feedback and Employee Experience programs and frameworks to measure ROI and pro-actively address issues, which may lead to negative or neutral experiences. Moreover, enabling the Business to zoom in on the things it does well, which are appreciated by your Promoters and reduce the areas that detract from Customer and Employee experience.
It also enables the business to gather competitive advantage by better understanding intelligence on positive and negative sentiment of other businesses and upcoming disruptors in your space.
These reports become a quarterly, semi-annual or annual snapshot in time to measure the progression of your brand story.
Contact us to set-up a discovery session.